Get an early start on Earth Day with the Energy Observer, the world's first laboratory vessel powered by renewable electricity and fuel cells
April H2IQ Hour Webinar
Join the first of two H2IQ Hour webinars this month celebrating Earth Day on Friday, April 19, at 12:30 p.m. EDT for an onboard look at the Energy Observer, a zero-emissions laboratory vessel powered by clean hydrogen from seawater with electrolyzers developed through projects funded by the U.S. Department of Energy.
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DOE Surpasses $1 Billion in Support to U.S. Colleges and Universities for Nuclear Science & Technology
DOE Surpasses $1 Billion in Support to U.S. Colleges and Universities for Nuclear Science & Technology
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced more than $59 million to 25 U.S. colleges and universities, two national laboratories, and one industry organization to support nuclear energy research and development and provide access to world-class research facilities.
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FUSE: Linked & Live
FUSE: Linked & Live
See what’s going on in the FUSE community:
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VERTical Attends United States Nuclear Industry Council Advanced Reactors Summit XI
VERTical Attends United States Nuclear Industry Council Advanced Reactors Summit XI
The VERTical cluster, along with industry partners, attended the USNIC Advanced Reactors Summit XI and Trailblazers Showcase this week in Houston.

This event brought industry experts, top executives, policymakers and leaders within the nucelar industry together.

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